learing bytes festival

Factcheck: does your EdTech work?
28th of March 2025 - Hangar K, Kortrijk


Learning Bytes Festival 2025 challenges a pivotal question in education technology: "Factcheck: Does Your EdTech Work?" Through a focused exploration of evidence-informed EdTech, we’ll dive into the most effective solutions and research-backed insights that are truly transforming digital learning.

Showcasing imec’s latest research in Smart Education, this festival empowers stakeholders across corporate training, academia, and EdTech development to critically evaluate what works in digital learning environments.Join professionals from Learning & Development, academia, and EdTech as we bring together researchers, innovators, and industry leaders for workshops, keynotes, invite-only sessions, and panel discussions centered on the measurable impact of EdTech. In the invite-only sessions, selected companies will share firsthand experiences on how they implement EdTech in their organizations, offering practical insights into its applications and benefits.

This year’s event welcomes Learning & Development specialists, corporate trainers, academics, EdTech product developers, and educational organisations to share insights, explore partnerships, and discover research-driven tools that enhance learning outcomes.

Join us to see how technology, when backed by research, can make an impactful difference in education and training across industries.

Alison Clark-Wilson

Professor at UCL Institute of Education
- Our EdTech works because…

Tackling the challenging question, “does our EdTech work?” should be at the heart of all EdTech developers' efforts… But what does this look like in practice? In a global education market where outcomes-based procurement is becoming increasingly common, knowing if, when, where, and for whom your EdTech works may well determine future company success. In this keynote, Alison will offer practical tools, approaches, and opportunities that promote EdTech companies and developers to strive for the most educationally impactful products.

Tom Wambeke

Chief Learning Innovation at ITCILO. (International Training Centre of the ILO, part of the United Nations)
With 20+ years of experience in learning innovation and digital transformation and as Chief of Learning Innovation at ITCILO, he leads global programs driving impact and change across UN agencies, development banks, governments, and NGOs. With projects in 50+ countries, he specializes in strategy facilitation, knowledge sharing, and ICT4Development. Holding degrees from Leuven and Antwerp, plus executive certifications from Stanford and MIT, he is a sought-after speaker and author. Join us as he shares insights on innovation, digital transformation, and the future of learning.
Wed. 20/03

Expo throughout the day





12:00 13:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop






Budascoop - Zaal 1

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AI in de Klas - Van A tot Zwerfvuil

14:15 15:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 digi-2 digiwijs

AI in de Klas - Van A tot Zwerfvuil





Budalys - Meetinglounge

Robbe Wulgaert

Artificiële intelligentie is reeds enkele jaren aan een opmars bezig. Slimme algoritmes beïnvloeden steeds meer aspecten van ons leven. Het is dus geen ver-van-ons-bed-show meer, maar komt nu zelfs jouw klaslokaal binnen. In deze workshop krijg je een inleiding in de technologie en hoe je deze, via een uitgewerkt lesproject, kan inzetten in jouw klas. We verdiepen ons inbeeldherkenning en bouwen zo op naar het analyseren van menselijke houding!

  • Maak kennis met machine learning;
  • Leer een slimme vuilnisbak maken;
  • Maken kennis met platformen om zelf aan levenslang leren rond AI te werken




KIKS - Bias in AI-systemen

14:15 15:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 digi-1 digiwijs

KIKS - Bias in AI-systemen





Budalys - Pentagon

Tom Neutens

Bij het project KIKS kruipen leerlingen in de huid van de wetenschapper Sofie. Ze onderzoeken met behulp van AI-systemen hoe planten zich via hun huidmondjes aanpassen aan de klimaatverandering. Op die manier vergarende leerlingen diepere kennis over de werking van AI-systemen en welke impact ze kunnen hebben op de maatschappij. In deze sessie gaan we specifiek in op hoe er bias kan sluipen in de resultaten die door AI-systemen gegenereerd worden. Aan de hand van interactieve voorbeelden krijg je inzicht in wat de oorzaken en gevolgen zijn van de vooroordelen van deze systemen.    

Deze sessie gaat door in het Nederlands.

Over de spreker

Tom Neutens, senior researcher Dwengo vzw




Creatief schrijven in de moderne taalklas met AI, Virtual Reality & Games

14:15 15:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 digi-3 digiwijs

Creatief schrijven in de moderne taalklas met AI, Virtual Reality & Games





Budalys - Kapel

Joeri Van der Veken

Frederik Cornillie

In deze train-the-trainer workshop maak je kennis met de didactische aanpak en met de open (digitale) leermiddelen van FanTALES (www.fantales.eu). FanTALES staat voor het gebruik van verhalende teksten en technologie (‘digital storytelling’) om een krachtige leeromgeving te creëren voor het onderwijs van moderne talen. Zo ontsluiten we onder andere de mogelijkheden van artificiële intelligentie en virtual reality voor creatief schrijven, lezen en communicatieve interactie.

FanTALES haalt inspiratie uit hedendaagse (en vaak digitale)manieren om verhalen te vertellen, zoals fanfiction en games. Met onze aanpak kun je alle leerlingen in je klas motiveren om creatief aan de slag te gaan met taal en technologie, of ze nu frequent lezen of niet. De aanpak is bovendien heel geschikt voor binnenklasdifferentiatie.


In de workshop leer je:

  • Wat fanfiction is aan de hand van een activiteit met ChatGPT;
  • Hoe je op een laagdrempelige en budgetvriendelijke manier virtual reality kan inzetten voor creatief schrijven;
  • Hoe leerlingen interactieve fictie (een genre van games) kunnen schrijven met de vrije auteurstool Twine.




Artificiële intelligentie in de klas

11:00 11:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 digi-2 digiwijs

Artificiële intelligentie in de klas





Budalys - Meetinglounge

Ilse Ooghe

Wat is artificiële intelligentie (AI), en hoe kan ik er op een toegankelijke manier mee aan de slag in de klas? In deze workshop volg je een basisvorming rond AI en kom je het te weten! Leid je leerlingen binnen in de wereld van AI aan de hand van voorbeelden van AI-toepassingen uit hun leefwereld en laat ze nadenken over ethiek en bias van AI. Leer hen kritisch omgaan met deze technologie die onlosmakelijk met hun dagelijkse leven verbonden is.

Maak kennis met het trainingsschema van ChatGPT en verken het lesmateriaal om ermee aan de slag te gaan in de klas.

Deze sessie wordt gegeven in het Nederlands.

Over de spreker

Ilse Ooghe is sinds 2019 Algemeen directeur van RVO-Society, de overkoepelende organisatie van Brightlab en Scivil.




EDUbox - Nepnieuws & Deepfake

11:00 11:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 digi-3 digiwijs

EDUbox - Nepnieuws & Deepfake





Budalys - Kapel

Len Buggenhout

Het wordt alsmaar moeilijker nepnieuws te herkennen. Een voorbeeld daarvan is deep fake: beelden en berichten die door middel van kunstmatige intelligentie (ook wel AI genoemd)zijn gecreëerd. Met deep fake kan je echte mensen dingen laten zeggen en doen die ze nooit gezegd of gedaan hebben.

Meer weten? Volg dan de sessie over de EDUbox Nepnieuws en deep fake!

Deze sessie gaat door in het Nederlands.




Lesgeven over AI - het groter geheel

11:00 11:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 digi-1 digiwijs

Lesgeven over AI - het groter geheel





Budalys - Pentagon

Yana Baetens

Binnen welk groter geheel kadert het lesgeven over AI nu eigenlijk? Maak kennis met het Vlaams Kenniscentrum voor Mediawijsheid. We nemen je mee in onze leerlijn mediawijsheid en tools om aan mediawijsheid te werken.

Deze sessie gaat door in het Nederlands.




How AI Shapes Education Abroad - Use Case: The Netherlands by NOLAI

11:00 11:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop-2

How AI Shapes Education Abroad - Use Case: The Netherlands by NOLAI





Budascoop - Zaal 5

Mirko Lukács

In this presentation Mirko will highlight the unique setup of NOLAI as an AI education lab for primary and secondary education as well as recent insights out of NOLAI's scientific research and R&D projects.

About the speaker

Mirko is Innovation Manager and MT member of the National AI in Education Lab (NOLAI) of Radboud University in The Netherlands. In this role Mirko supports and steers NOLAI co-creation projects towards the development of new intelligent educational tools for schools that will really make it into the classroom and towards scalable solutions and market products. This in close collaboration with schools, scientists and companies. 





16:30 18:30 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop






Budascoop - Zaal 1

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16:20 16:30 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop






Budascoop - Zaal 1

Thomas Van Cauwenberghe

Frederik Cornillie




Intelligent Education: Navigating the Convergence of AI, XR, and Human Potential

15:30 16:15 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop

Intelligent Education: Navigating the Convergence of AI, XR, and Human Potential





Budascoop - Zaal 1

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Ina rapidly evolving world, the merging of human intellect, artificial intelligence, and immersive technologies is ushering in a new era of intelligent education. Imagine a scenario where AI-driven agents and systems architect adaptive learning journeys, unlocking personalization, continuous assessment,and customized career growth. This new education will be seamlessly integrated into our lives, cultivating lifelong learning, curiosity, and the quest for innovation. Don't miss this insightful talk that promises to challenge your perceptions and inspire a new vision for the future of learning.

About the speaker

Monica is a leading expert in innovation and immersive technology, whose roles across technology and education solidify her as a leader in the global technological landscape. Her pioneering work in building new tools with XR and AI technology has made strides in fostering lifelong learning, curiosity and the quest for innovation with the goal of increasing access to education and transforming the way we learn. As the former Head of Immersive Learning at Meta and a visionary leader on Interactive Learning Labs at Amazon, Monica has become a seminal figure in the field of immersive education.

Named among the Top 100 Global Women of the Future in Emerging Tech, Monica’s influence resonates globally. As an advisor and Chief Innovation Officer for startups and Founder of Th3 Third Door, Monica has formulated and executed innovative tech solutions that reimagine the future of work and learning. 

As the Executive Director of the Innovation, Digital Education, and Analytics (IDEA) Lab at Imperial College London, Monica is defining the vision for the future of learning while leading an expert team through the development and growth of new solutions for the rapidly evolving industry. In its scale, scope, and complexity, this transformation of technology will be unlike anything we’ve experienced before. Monica’s leadership embodies an inspiring journey towards a future where the convergence of technology and humanity will unlock unprecedented tools to solve some of our biggest challenges.





Awards Smart Education at Schools

15:15 15:25 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop

Awards Smart Education at Schools





Budascoop - Zaal 1

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Smart Education at Schools is een jaarlijkse projectoproep die innovatieve ideeën van leerkrachten uit het basisonderwijs, secundair onderwijs en volwassenenonderwijs verzamelt. Het ultieme doel? Didactische uitdagingen aanpakken met educatieve technologie via bottom-up input. Geselecteerde ideeën ontvangen subsidiebudget en één jaar de tijd om het idee om te zetten in een proof of concept.

Op het Learning Bytes Festival ontvangen de drie meest recente projecten hun award, omdat ze het traject met succes aflegden. De drie teams ontwikkelden een innovatieve tool mét zichtbare impact op de klasvloer.

Benieuwd naar de ontwikkelde tools? Ontdek ze op de expo!

Smart Education at Schools is een innovatieprogramma van imec met steun van de Vlaamse Overheid.




Matching Talent to Work Using AI – Fairly and Transparently

14:15 15:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop-3 ai

Matching Talent to Work Using AI – Fairly and Transparently





Budascoop - Zaal 3

Tijl De Bie

AI systems have been used for years in human resources management and the job market. The recent AI developments have further accelerated the impact of AI in this area, both in enhancing the performance of existing applications, and in broadening up towards novel use cases that were hitherto out of technological reach. In this talk I will provide an overview of the state of the art in this field, particularly emphasizing ethical concerns such as fairness and transparency.

About the speaker

Tijl De Bie is senior full professor at Ghent University. He heads a research group working on data-driven AI, AI ethics, and applications of AI to the labor market and other areas.




What's the temperature of the Belgian EdTech scene?

14:15 15:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop-2

What's the temperature of the Belgian EdTech scene?





Budascoop - Zaal 5

Annelies Volckaert

As the economic growth cools down, it raises the question: what’s the temperature of the Belgian EdTech scene? The playing field of educational technology continues to evolve rapidly. To get a clear view, for the second time, <edtech/station> has created a ‘barometer’ of the Belgian EdTech landscape.  In addition to the updated economic figures, this year's focus is on the need for research, the integration of AI in applications, and the level of internationalization.  

We unveil the results at LBF.




Language Learning with Conversational AI

14:15 15:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop-4 ai

Language Learning with Conversational AI





Budascoop - Zaal 4

Anaïs Tack

Serge Bibauw

This breakout session provides a brief overview of scientific research into the use of conversational AI (such as ChatGPT) in language education. The session will consist of two parts. In the first part, you will learn about the different applications of conversational AI for language learners and teachers. Moreover, you will gain insight into the effectiveness of conversational AI for language learning. In the second part, we take a closer look at how technologies such as chatbots and generative language models work and how they are developed and evaluated.

About the speakers

Anaïs Tack is a postdoctoral researcher working on language technology for smart education at itec, an imec research group at KU Leuven.

Serge Bibauw is Assistant Professor in French language teaching at UCLouvain.




Potential of AI in Education & Learning

14:15 15:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop ai

Potential of AI in Education & Learning





Budascoop - Zaal 1

Rani Van Schoors

Alireza Gharahighehi

Ann Fastré

This session tackles the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and training. It comprises four core themes. First, we will explore the relationship between AI and education/training, offering insights into diverse AI applications and tracing the historical evolution of AI in this domain. Second, we will highlight the 'Black Box' of AI, emphasizing the significance of a human-centered approach. Third, we will address challenges encompassing technical, ethical, and implementation aspects of AI in education. Finally, we will delve into strategies for effectively dealing with AI hypes and lows while also looking into the role of AI in enriching educational and training experiences and supporting educators/trainers.

About the speakers

Rani works as a postdoctoral researcher at itec, focusing on the potential of artificial intelligence in education. Additionally, she works as educational researcher and project developer at VIVES.

Alireza Gharahighehi is a postdoctoral researcher in itec, imec research group at KU Leuven.




PANEL | Supercharging teachers and trainers through AI

13:15 14:00 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop panel

PANEL | Supercharging teachers and trainers through AI





Budascoop - Zaal 1

Rani Van Schoors

Vickie Dekocker

Stijn De Vleeschhouwer

Natalie Provost

Katrien Alen

Handling the complexity of today’s classrooms is extremely challenging, whether they be physical, digital or hybrid. How can AI supercharge teachers and trainers, and help them to tackle the complexity of their jobs head-on? Discover the visionof our panelists from education, industry and research.

Joining our panel are: Vickie Dekocker (Agoria), Katrien Alen (Digisprong), Stijn De Vleesschouwer (Radix), Natalie Provost (Odisee), and Rani Van Schoors (itec, imec), guided by panel moderator Frederik Cornillie (itec, imec).

! Due to the sponateity and nature of the panel, it will be conducted in Dutch




Human-centered AI-driven decision support systems for Learning

11:00 11:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop ai

Human-centered AI-driven decision support systems for Learning





Budascoop - Zaal 1

Tom Madou

Alireza Gharahighehi

Robin De Croon

In our joint seminar, "Human-centered AI-driven decision support systems for Learning," we delve into the dynamic landscape of AI in education. We will highlight the work of three research groups active in this area. First, we discuss the potential of AI-driven predictions using learning analytics and user data to improve student performance midway through the semester. Additionally, we evaluate the benefits of survival analysis techniques in enhancing course recommendations for MOOC learners, aiming to reduce dropouts and boost engagement. Lastly, we address the challenges of AI in education, emphasizing the need for transparent and user-friendly AI solutions, incorporating feedback, control, and visual explanations. Our aim is to develop a comprehensive, user-centered approach to AI-driven decision support systems for learning, catering to the needs and preferences of both learners and educators.

About the speakers

Alireza  is a postdoctoral researcher in itec, imec research group at KU Leuven.

Tom has a background in physical education and is currently a teacher educator and researcher at VIVES University of Applied Sciences and KU Leuven.

Robin is a research manager on intelligent userinterfaces at the KU Leuven augment research group.




Social Robots

11:00 11:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop-4 robotics

Social Robots





Budascoop - Zaal 4

Tony Belpaeme

Eva Verhelst

Social robots are designed to interact and communicate with humans in human-like ways,such as through speech, gestures, and facial expressions. These robots are now being explored for their potential to support learning and education, and specifically how social robots can be used as tutors and learning companions for children and students. They may help teach social skills, STEM topics, and even languages. However, many key questions remain regarding the AI needed for these robots, the design of social robots for optimal educational outcomes, integration into learning environments, acceptance by students and teachers, and overall effectiveness.

About the speakers

Tony Belpaeme is Professor at Universiteit Gent and senior researcher at IDLab-imec.
Eva Verhelst holds and MSc in Computer Science from the Universiteit Gent, and is a doctoral researcher in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics group of IDLab-imec at the UGent.




(Self-)Learning Ethics in AI and Education

11:00 11:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop-3 ai

(Self-)Learning Ethics in AI and Education





Budascoop - Zaal 3

Rob Heyman

You are told that AI ethics are important and you want to make sure it is part of your project, but you struggle with what specific values to focus on or how to operationalise these. Rob and Marco will give you a birds eye view of ethics in education and show practical tools to add AI ethics to your AI project in Education.

About the speaker

Rob Heyman is coordinator of the Knowledge Centre Data and Society which is part of the Flemish strategic plan on AI. He is a senior researcher at imec-SMIT where he researches participative methods innovation projects between different stakeholders so that societal, legal and ethical values are integrated during development.




AI and the Potential for Lifelong Learning

10:00 10:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop

AI and the Potential for Lifelong Learning





Budascoop - Zaal 1

Steven Latré

Is it a matter of time before AI starts absorbing ourjobs and we humans become irrelevant in our economy? Will my child have arobotic teacher? And is it possible to find the sweet spot between my passion,my interest, my expertise, and my job?

In this talk, we'll explain how human-centred AI can help us take control over our own learning journey. Adapted to your own interest, verbalized in a way you like it and with a direct link to your current or even future work context. We will shed a light on how AI can help everyone to maximize their potential throughout their lives. From learning basic skills in childhood to flexible upskilling during workplace trainings, going well into adulthood pursuing any lifelong learning dream you may have: AI can support and acknowledge your unique learning process anytime, anywhere.

This keynote will inspire a collective effort to shape a future where AI enhances, rather than replaces, the educational journey in order to unlock your potential.

About the speaker

Prof. Steven Latré (VP R&D Machine Learning & AI), is leading the artificial intelligence research at imec, the R&D hub for nano-electronics and digital technologies. His main expertise focuses on combining sensor technologies and chip design with AI to provide end-to-end solutions in sectors such as health, automotive and smart industries. Next to this, he is also a part-time professor at the University of Antwerp.





9:45 9:55 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop






Budascoop - Zaal 1

Thomas Van Cauwenberghe

Frederik Cornillie





9:00 9:45 Wednesday March 20 2024 budascoop






Budascoop - Zaal 1

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Budascoop - Zaal 1

Budascoop - Zaal 5

Budascoop - Zaal 3

Budascoop - Zaal 4

Budalys - Pentagon

Budalys - Meetinglounge

Budalys - Kapel

Digi 4



Buda-eiland, Kortrijk


Enhance your festival experience by adding the €20 lunch option when purchasing your tickets. Indulge in hot meals, tasty sides. With meat, vegetarian, and vegan choices available. 


This year’s edition of Learning Bytes Festival is integrated into FTI by Hangar K. Discover more about this 6-day festival about technology and innovation here.

An initiative of the Flemish Government
