
> International matchmaking met Z-Afrika
> Content in secundair onderwijs
> Internationale adviesraad
> Learning Bytes Festival


> SETT Gent


> EdTech showcase in Limburg


> FR EdTech-markt voor Vl/Br/Waalse bedrijven


We are thrilled to announce the launch of the first edition of the Belgian EdTech Week.

These exciting events are dedicated to promoting and advancing the field of Educational Technology in Belgium. Throughout the week, we will be hosting a variety of events, fairs, networking moments, and activities that will showcase the latest innovations and developments in the field.

Sett Gent DAG 1




8:30 am

The starting shot for the first edition of the EdTech week will be fired at Sett Gent, the largest fair for Education in Flanders. Team EdTech Station hosts the Innovation Village and is joined by multiple members of EdTech Station. At Sett Gent you'll find everyone involved in educational transformation and technology in one place.

Flanders Expo


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XR showcase for Education @Sett Gent




5:00 pm

An inspiring evening filled with keynotes, testimonials, demos and a network mixer focusing on applying XR technology in Education. With live demos! In collaboration with XR Valley.

Flanders Expo


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Sett Gent DAG 2




8:30 am

Team EdTech Station hosts the Innovation Village and is joined by multiple members of EdTech Station. At Sett Gent you'll find everyone involved in educational transformation and technology in one place.

Flanders Expo


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EdTech Showcase in Limburg




8:00 am

EdTech Station presents the EdTech barometer & showcases Limburg EdTech players in the presence of Jo Brouns, Minister of Innovation.

Corda Campus


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Explaining the EdTech barometer - <e/s> members only




5:00 pm

Hangar K


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Content in secundair onderwijs




9:00 am

Met Digisprong in het Vlaamse onderwijs werden, met onder andere de aandacht voor hardware en connectiviteit, zijn zeker de voorwaarden geschept om tot digitalisering te komen. Echter, het project kan pas echt slagen als ook de nodige onderwijsspecifieke content en tools voorhanden is om die digitalisering ook echt in de praktijk te brengen. Daarom organiseren we een evenement waarbij we leerkrachten en beleidsmensen uit het secundair onderwijs samenbrengen met EdTech-bedrijven die een relevant aanbod hebben en - al dan niet - al cases hebben van samenwerking met secundaire scholen.

Hangar K

Kortrijk 8500

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Learning Bytes Festival 2023




1:00 pm

The theme of the second edition of LBF is Learning Spaces. With this, we dive into immersive technologies such as XR and hybrid classrooms. During the many workshops, expert talks, demos and the exhibition area, you will gain new insights, learn about new technology(s). Keynotes by Jack Buckley (Roblox) & prof. Annelies Raes (KU Leuven)

International Advisory Council




9:00 am

Immersion: marché EdTech en France




7:00 pm

De quelle manière mettre efficacement la technologie au service de l’apprentissage? Comment aborder le marché de l’Education et l’enseignement en France? Quels sont les freins présents sur ces marchés prometteurs? Durant cette soirée de Networking, nous aurons le plaisir d'explorer avec Yannig Raffenel le marché de l’Education en France. L’intervention d’acteurs renommés dans l'univers du Edtech et de la formation, sera une véritable plus value pour cette soirée qui se veut exceptionnelle!

Kantersteen 14


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Sett Gent DAG 1




8:30 am

The starting shot for the first edition of the EdTech week will be fired at Sett Gent, the largest fair for Education in Flanders. Team EdTech Station hosts the Innovation Village and is joined by multiple members of EdTech Station. At Sett Gent you'll find everyone involved in educational transformation and technology in one place.

Flanders Expo


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XR showcase for Education @Sett Gent




5:00 pm

An inspiring evening filled with keynotes, testimonials, demos and a network mixer focusing on applying XR technology in Education. With live demos! In collaboration with XR Valley.

Flanders Expo


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Sett Gent DAG 2




8:30 am

Team EdTech Station hosts the Innovation Village and is joined by multiple members of EdTech Station. At Sett Gent you'll find everyone involved in educational transformation and technology in one place.

Flanders Expo


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EdTech Showcase in Limburg




8:00 am

EdTech Station presents the EdTech barometer & showcases Limburg EdTech players in the presence of Jo Brouns, Minister of Innovation.

Corda Campus


Register for this event

Explaining the EdTech barometer - <e/s> members only




5:00 pm

Hangar K


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Content in secundair onderwijs




9:00 am

Met Digisprong in het Vlaamse onderwijs werden, met onder andere de aandacht voor hardware en connectiviteit, zijn zeker de voorwaarden geschept om tot digitalisering te komen. Echter, het project kan pas echt slagen als ook de nodige onderwijsspecifieke content en tools voorhanden is om die digitalisering ook echt in de praktijk te brengen. Daarom organiseren we een evenement waarbij we leerkrachten en beleidsmensen uit het secundair onderwijs samenbrengen met EdTech-bedrijven die een relevant aanbod hebben en - al dan niet - al cases hebben van samenwerking met secundaire scholen.

Hangar K

Kortrijk 8500

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Learning Bytes Festival 2023




1:00 pm

The theme of the second edition of LBF is Learning Spaces. With this, we dive into immersive technologies such as XR and hybrid classrooms. During the many workshops, expert talks, demos and the exhibition area, you will gain new insights, learn about new technology(s). Keynotes by Jack Buckley (Roblox) & prof. Annelies Raes (KU Leuven)

International Advisory Council




9:00 am

Immersion: marché EdTech en France




7:00 pm

De quelle manière mettre efficacement la technologie au service de l’apprentissage? Comment aborder le marché de l’Education et l’enseignement en France? Quels sont les freins présents sur ces marchés prometteurs? Durant cette soirée de Networking, nous aurons le plaisir d'explorer avec Yannig Raffenel le marché de l’Education en France. L’intervention d’acteurs renommés dans l'univers du Edtech et de la formation, sera une véritable plus value pour cette soirée qui se veut exceptionnelle!

Kantersteen 14


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LBF highlights the results of imec's research and innovation programme Smart Education. The theme of this second edition of LBF is Learning Spaces. With this, we dive into immersive technologies such as XR and hybrid classrooms. During the many workshops, expert talks, demos and the exhibition area, you will gain new insights and learn about new technology(s). Click the link and discover the full programme and book your ticket(s)!

7 MARCH 2023 / 1 PM

Event Hall Départ / Nelson Mandelaplein 18, 8500 KORTRIJK

For all stakeholders in education, the Educational Technology sector and Learning & Development.

General Admission €40.00 / At the door €50.00

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